Freedom of Information

Wsha Tenant Derek MccallumWest of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) is fully committed to the aims and principles underlying the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) and the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EISRs) and to the disclosure of information of interest to our customers and the wider public.

We will make every effort to promote greater openness and transparency and maximise public trust in our work as a registered social landlord in Scotland. 

Model Publication Scheme

WSHA has adopted the Model Publication Scheme 2018, produced and approved by the Scottish Information Commissioner.  The scheme set out our commitment to make certain classes of information routinely available, such as policies and procedures, minutes of meetings, annual reports and financial information.

We have developed a Guide to Information for this purpose which includes links to any information that is avaialable on our website and also charging information. 

How to make a Freedom of Information Request

A FOISA request must be in writing or other permanent form, such as a letter, e-mail, social media message, voicemail message, audio recording or made to us via our website, Make an online FOI request.

A request for information made to us must include the following particulars:

  • Name of the applicant.  If the identity of the applicant is not clear from the request or it appears that the request is being made on behalf of another person, then we are entitled to refuse the request, subject to first providing appropriate advice and assistance to try and validate the request.
  • Address for correspondence, which may consist of a postal or e-mail address; and
  • Description of the information to which the applicant seeks access

If you would like further information or help then please contact our Data Protection Officer, Jennifer Cairns, on 0141 550 5625 or

View the Information Commissioner's guide to requesting information