Rate Your Estate
Involving tenants in the management of our estates is really important to us. Our officers undertake regular inspections but we are aware that you are the people who live in the communities and are best placed to tell us when something is wrong.
Before Covid we worked with members of our Tenants Advisory Group to undertake inspections of some of the 60 plus communities where we have homes. The tenants would highlight areas of concerns and pass these on to the housing and maintenance team to take action where required.
We are looking to reconvene our Rate Your Estate Inspections but we want our tenants to direct where we should visit.
If you see something in your community that you think could be improved, or you think that an area requires general improvements or maintenance then we want to know.
Please send any concerns to haveyoursay@westscot.co.uk - if you can attach images even better as this will allow the RYE inspectors to prioritise areas. If the RYE inspectors are not able to visit your community they will pass your concerns on to the local housing officer to investigate.
Each month the inspectors will visit a community where tenants have reported issues. If you wish, they will let you know when they are coming so you can come out and speak to them.
We will report back here on our findings.
If you are interested in joining inspections in other areas - please get in touch with us.