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Scottish Government cut funding for medical adaptations

You may have recently heard news that Scottish Government funding available for medical adaptations to tenants’ homes has been dramatically reduced for the current financial year, with a confirmed cut of 25%, from £11 million to £8.245m.

Every year, WSHA undertake a number of medical adaptations to our properties to assist tenants to live safely and independently. These range from small works such as fitting handrails, to larger scale works such as fitting wet rooms and adapted kitchens. This work is paid for through funding received from Glasgow City Council and the Scottish Government.

Up until last year, WSHA has managed to undertake all medical adaptations requested of us. However, increased demand combined with this recent funding cut has now left us in a position where we will have a significant shortfall in the funding needed to carry out all requested adaptations. This means that there will be number of adaptation requests that we will be unable to undertake until more funding becomes available.

Many small-scale adaptations – such as hand rails etc – are our legal obligation to carry out under the Equality Act, and we will undertake these adaptations regardless of funding availability. However, we will not be able to undertake all larger-scale adaptations.

We very much regret this position and, alongside many other housing associations, have made our concerns around the detrimental impact this will have on tenants’ wellbeing clear to the Scottish Government. If your adaptation works are liable to be delayed we will contact you directly to advise of the position.

In the meantime, should you wish to discuss your adaptation request further please contact Claire Doyle, Assistant Technical Officer via Customer Service team on 0141 550 5600 or directly on 0141 333 6329.