Tenant Advisory Group

The Tenant Advisory Group (TAG) are a group of West of Scotland Housing Association tenants who work together to improve services that tenants receive, They are an essential part of the Association's Governance Structure, as you can see below. 

Wsha Governance Structure_ 2024

TAG have a formal remit from the Association, which sets out the activities they will undertake on an ongoing basis. This includes:

  • Assessing WSHA’s quality of service delivery and customer care
  • Reviewing policies and procedures which impact on tenants and other customers
  • Supporting the growth in the number of tenants who engage with the Association
  • Carrying out scrutiny activities of housing and related services, and report any findings, including recommendations for improvement, to the Management Committee
  • Monitoring and reviewing the progress of the Customer Engagement Strategy on a regular basis

TAG meet on a monthly basis with West of Scotland HA staff. They receive regular updates on performance, and one of their most important tasks is overseeing the implementation of the Customer Engagement Strategy. 

The Group prepare reports that are presented to the Board of WSHA. Reports are produced annually and also following specific Scrutiny activities (find out more about the Tenant Scrutiny Group here). 

You can read the latest reports from the group below. 

To find out more about how you can get involved, please contact Alistair Reid, Tenant Engagement Officer on 0141 550 5060 or alistair.reid@westscot.co.uk.

Latest reports from our Tenant Advisory Group