Imagination Library FamilyTenant Scrutiny Group

Do you want to help improve our services?

Do you want to make a difference to your  community? 

Do you want to get skills and experience to add to your C.V.? 

Join our Tenant Scrutiny Group! 

We are looking for tenants to join our Scrutiny Group and provide a valued tenant viewpoint on the services we offer. The TSG gets involved with the Association in a number of ways, including: 

  • Mystery shopping
  • Customer surveys
  • Tenant-led inspections of communities

Meetings are held online and in-person, and members of the Scrutiny Group will have the option to attend online meetings and not have to travel to our office.  We can also provide help to access online meetings if this is something that's new to you. 

To find out more or join the group please contact Alistair Reid on or 0141 550 5600. You can also send us a message on Facebook.

Latest reports from the Tenant Scrutiny Group